Good girl gone bad

Shopping i Ullared (exhausting!) med familjen hela fredagsdagen, modevisning och filmkväll med Adrian på fredagskvällen och Chick Flick-, kycklingtaco- och gott-att-dricka-kväll med Malin i Tisses lägenhet i lördags :) Kan sammanfatta helgen såhär: Jättetrevlig!

Skolan börjar bli mycket igen och jag blir helt chockad när jag får tillbaka uppgifter och prov med betyg som tillhörde mitt gamla jag. Retoriktalet fick jag högsta betyg med (-) på! Helt otroligt.. Bara att tacka och ta emot.

Stockholm nästa vecka. Kan nog bli både roligt och intressant. 4D-bio låter ju i alla fall som något.

Nu är det jul om 5 veckor har jag hört? Herregud vad tiden går snabbt! Tänk allt som ska hinna göras innan dess.. Får ju magsår bara man tänker på att göra en lista över det, tre A4-an kanske? Ok, jag överdriver nog ;P Men listan skulle säkerligen bli lång..

Good days, bad days, I've had a few of those,
Same old story - I know how this song goes,
At least I did, but now I'm not so sure,
Nothing's in its place, nothing's certain anymore,
Birds fly, trees sway, why can't I be like that?
Happy knowing what I am, in fact and leaving be?
But truth has been obscured,
I am only human and I'm always wanting...more.

Oh, the world is a place and they say it's on our side,
But I wonder, is there comfort in those moments when we die?
Now I see, Mr. King, this was in the books you gave me,
Which I read, disbelieving, thinking poets are depressed,
Oh, Mr. King, I have changed, I confess.

Oh, those good days I remember well,
Tape on windows, wintertime was hell,
But it was fun, and people there were kind,
There was good work to be done, and I learnt to think my time.

And the world was a good place, and in days were where I lived,
I imagined life had purpose and I'd something good to give

Now, I've got 10 things lined up on a shelf,
Reasons to be cheerful for myself,
I don't know why you're showing me the sky,
You say you see heaven,
I see hell, but want to try.

And the world is a place, and I pray it's on my side,
But I'd find greater comfort if I just lay down and died,
I don't know what's become of the girl who once knew sunshine,
What's become of the girl who knew sorrow but was strong?
Oh, Mr. King you were right, all along,
Mr. King you were right,
Oh, Mr. King, you were right,
I was wrong


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